Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Dynamic Bibliographies on WorldCat

Our comprehensive Bibliography for Medieval Naples: A Documentary History, arranged by period and type of resource, was last updated on January 4, 2009.

We’re happy to report that our new updates are now available online through WorldCat, the international cataloging resource provided by OCLC and a host of contributing libraries and library systems. With WorldCat one can view all available editions of books, articles, reviews and digital resources, as well as the libraries that hold these titles, with hyperlinks to your local library’s own online catalog. In addition, WorldCat provides links to online samples of books and hyperlinks for these titles to online sellers or free and open-access collections of books, texts, and archival resources.

Users can also create custom selections from these lists, download or export them into a number of online formats, including HTML, and format them according to a variety of scholarly style sheets, thus making these bibliographies ideal for research and teaching.

These supplemental bibliographies are works in progress, which we will update on a regular basis. WorldCat also allows users to annotate items and to suggest editions, thus making it a valuable interactive resource. We will eventually move all the titles on the comprehensive bibliography into WorldCat lists.

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